What is composite bonding?
What is composite bonding?
Composite Bonding makes use of special composite material to smooth and patch over imperfections in your teeth such as chips, gaps, and rough edges. In some cases, If this is performed by a highly skilled practitioner, this can create the illusion of perfectly straight teeth and may even mitigate the need for an orthodontist. Composite bonding isn’t suitable for every case but it may be a solution for those who want to avoid wearing braces.
It can also benefit you by strengthening chipped and worn-out teeth.
How is it done?
A special tooth-coloured composite material we call resin is used to polish over the teeth. Composite materials have been around for almost 40 years. In this space of time, through improvement via chemistry and nanoengineering, the composite materials have become if not identical, a superb mimic of human enamel. In a lot of situations, real teeth and composite bonding can be indistinguishable.
What are the benefits?
- Improve the appearance of your smile quickly
- Long lasting – a dental bond can last up to 10 years
- Retain the health and natural structure of your tooth
- Can usually be completed in just one appointment
- Predictable aesthetic and functional results
- No drilling of the tooth is necessary and therefore no injection is required.
- It’s pain-free
- Future treatment options are wide and varied in most cases. Failure is rare and very easy to fix.
- Suitable for patients of all ages with good dental and gum health.
Before & Afters

“The kids think going to the dentist is a treat now with all the stickers you gave them. No fear of dentists here!”